Filed in Family, Health, Lifestyle — March 10, 2023

Country Boy Strong

Back in November, my family received upsetting news.  My father was diagnosed with an advanced cancer, to which we were told grim outcomes.  As I was flying down to the hospital to see him, my mother and brother told Daddy the news, but it did not register with him in his weakened state. God chose me to be the person who he received that information from, and in that moment, I knew I wanted to give him as much of my encouragement and support as I could, until prayerfully, he got to the other side of this diagnosis.  As “Daddy’s girl,” I dropped everything and have been in south Georgia and north Florida until recently.

Blanket-draped chair pulled up to a desk in a hospital room. Desk is covered with magazines, laptop, water bottle, bag of nuts, and a leather bag.

Throughout these few months, Daddy has shown great strength.  Battling cancer is not the first time I have seen it, but it was a reminder—a testament to persevere.  The nurses would often call Daddy a “tough old bird,” but back home, we refer to this strength and tenacious spirit as “country boy strong.”  (The term describes a physical strength attained from farm work, of which my daddy did plenty, as well as a mental toughness.  Often times, the “boy” referenced by this phrase does not look like your typical strongman.) The toll the cancer had taken on Daddy’s body certainly had him looking far from strong, but he endured this challenge with great fortitude.

God has answered many prayers during Daddy’s health journey, and we continue to lean on His restorative power.  The good news is that Daddy’s cancer is in remission, but he is currently on the mend from an extended hospitalization due to late-stage complications of treatment.  He has a long road ahead of him until he feels like himself again, but he is fighting hard to fully enjoy the countryside again soon.

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  1. christina toth says:

    Wishing your dad continued strength and a full recovery. much love to you and your family🤎

  2. Cristie says:

    I’m so sorry, darlin .. I was a Daddy’s girl to…
    I’m so glad you got in touch with us, I’ve been missing you on IG and wondering where you were.
    Take care and may our Lord heal and comfort your family .

  3. Jules says:

    So very sorry to hear of your father’s diagnosis, but happy to hear he is now in remission. We have missed your presence here and on Instagram. Wishing you and your family comfort and hope in the days ahead.

  4. Ellen Brandt says:

    So strong he is! I know his journey has been a long one but our God is good and will continue to heal your daddy. Stay strong my friend. Hope to see you soon

  5. Suzanne Barnett says:

    I’m so glad your father is doing better. I had asked about you last month when were were in Nashville for the shows. I’ve missed seeing you beautiful smiling face on Instagram. Prayers for the continued recovery for you father.

  6. Thinking of you all 💕

  7. Janet Worrell says:

    Prayers for your Dad that he continues to get stronger & feel more like himself!
    Wonderful that you have been able to be with him. That must be a great comfort to him 💕